We constantly feel worried about Sexual Desire. What if I don't feel like having sex, what if it's not like before, what if my partner wants to all the time, or doesn't want to, are just some of the most common concerns.

Those who have followed me for a while have heard me talk about the two different types of Sexual Desire. And knowing what yours is right now could answer several questions.

Types of Sexual Desire:

Responsive Sexual Desire - This is that sexual desire that is born when you begin to respond to positive stimuli that your brain recognizes as sexual. That is, let's say you don't feel like having sex, but your partner sits next to you and starts saying or doing things to you that you like. Isn't it true that little by little you become motivated and your sexual desire begins to grow? Well, if this happens to you, your Sexual Desire is RESPONSIVE, because it responded to those stimuli and it didn't come from nowhere.

Spontaneous Sexual Desire - This sexual desire comes from nowhere. That is, you see your partner in underwear, you smell his or her body odor or perfume, you watch a semi-hot scene on Netflix and you feel how quickly the rich tingling reaches your genitals. That spontaneous tickling is due to the fact that your brain, seeing things that it liked and processed as sexual, sends an automatic message to the genitals. When this happens, it is a spontaneous sexual desire.

Most women have a Responsive Sexual Desire. But, that does not mean that at various times or stages of your life you do not experience Spontaneous Sexual Desire. For example, it is very likely that in that stage of enchule when you are starting to date someone, your desire becomes more erotic and, most likely, spontaneous.

Most men have a Spontaneous Sexual Desire. Hence the perception that they always have more desire than us and yes, they also can or have a Responsive Sexual Desire.

It is important that you know yours and your partner's so that you understand why sometimes you feel that you have to be looking for them to have sex or quite the opposite. And most importantly, stop thinking that if it is not SPONTANEOUS, there is no SEXUAL DESIRE.