There are people who are repelled by that word. Socially, the act of masturbation has been punished and stigmatized with morbidity, lust and even sin. And, although socially we are more educated and open to the discussion and benefits of complacency, it is still far from normal, much less for women.

However, since it is still a taboo, there are many scientific facts that most people do not know. Consequently, children and adolescents grow up without adequate sexual education in this regard and spend a large part of their years not knowing the most basic aspects of it.

But... You shouldn't worry! We have come to the rescue and here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about masturbation.

Repeat it out loud and without fear: masturbation.

What is it?

Oh! This may seem the most obvious of all, but many don't know how to answer it.

Masturbation is the name we give to the act of touching, caressing or rubbing our genitals, either with our hand or with some object, with the purpose of giving ourselves pleasure and achieving orgasm for ourselves.

So, if it is a pleasant experience that we all enjoy, why be ashamed of it?

Nope. There is no reason to do it. This is the safest sex we can have.

How common is it for people to masturbate?

Wow this is one of the most interesting questions ever! The answer here could be very subjective. There are those people who almost get calluses on their hands, those who do not accept that they masturbate and those who simply do not masturbate, period. Let's keep in mind that factors such as religion can have a negative effect on sexual pleasure.

I can't say an exact number because there really isn't one, even though more and more women practice masturbation, even daily. With or without a partner.

Many cultures consider that any sexual act should be carried out only for reproductive purposes and not for pleasure or recreation. But we all know that one of the things we like most about sex is giving ourselves orgasms without having to take any kind of risk, right?

How has society reacted to masturbation?

Oh dear, there is a lot of fabric to cut here! Society does not fully accept that anyone can play with their body for a while and end up screaming with excitement in one of the most delicious and fun moments they will ever experience.

There is a rather peculiar anecdote about it. In the early 1700s, a physicist named Samuel-Auguste Tissot assumed that semen was composed of blood and therefore ejaculation was harmful to health. These “findings” were considered totally true for that time, so this lie was maintained for many years.

The force of the law was also used to punish those who masturbated and measures such as circumcision were implemented to prevent it from being practiced.

Why do people masturbate?

We masturbate because we want to and because we can. But that is not all. There are also many benefits we can get when we touch ourselves, besides pleasure and orgasms.

Let me tell you this:

  • Masturbation can relieve stress, did you know? In addition to playing until you are dizzy with pure pleasure, you can relax and calm down when you experiment with your body.
  • Helps gain confidence in bed. Knowing how to reach orgasm on your own can benefit you when having sex with someone else. No one better than you to know your body.
  • Raise self-esteem. When those endorphins start to rampage, you feel like you want to take on the world.
  • It allows you to learn more about your sexuality and erogenous zones.

So, put down the phone and go masturbate happily.